How to delete a site collection in SharePoint 2010?
1. Open the Central Administration
2. Application Management
3. Site collections
4. Delete a site collection
5. Select the appropriate site link
6. Click OK
How to create a site collection in SharePoint 2010?
1. Open the Central Administration
2. Application Management
3. Site collections
4. Create site collections
5. Select the web application on which you wants to create a site collection
6. Enter the name of the site and URL as per your requirements
7. Select the template
8. Enter the primary and secondary admins
9. Select the storage quota that you want to assign
10. Click Create
How to Change site collection administrators?
1. Open the Central Administration
2. Application Management
3. Site collections
4. Change site collection administrators
5. Select the site collection from the dropdown list for which you want to change the admins
6. Change the admins as per their ID's
7. Click OK
How to change the quota for site collection?
1. Open the Central Administration
2. Application Management
3. Site collections
4. Configure quotas and locks
5. Select the appropriate site collection from the dropdown
6. Assign a new quota as per your requirements
7. Click ok
How to View all site collections?
1. Open the Central Administration
2. Application Management
3. Site collections
4. Open the Central Administration
5. Application Management
6. View all site collections
7. Select the correct web applications from the dropdown
8. You will see the list of site collections underneath
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